TUT Health Courses 2025/2026

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TUT Health Courses 2025/2026

TUT Health Courses 2025/2026

TUT’s distinguished research faculty plays a significant role annually in the nation’s cumulative research output. They take immense pride in the esteemed researchers and instructors of both national and international renown. Their presence draws substantial financial backing for research endeavours from external sources like the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Water Research Commission (WRC).

The faculty’s diverse departments extend an array of educational programs within agriculture, health, and natural sciences. Courses such as Biotechnology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Fire Technology, Food Technology, Geology, Industrial Physics, Mathematical Technology, Quality, and Water Care are offered up to advanced levels, ensuring that students can maximize their academic potential.

In the realm of agricultural sciences, they boast one of South Africa’s most expansive training facilities, ranking among the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. TUT stands as a rare higher education institution in the nation that presents a comprehensive suite of agricultural programs, encompassing Crop Production, Mixed Farming, Rural Development and Extension, Agricultural Management, Animal Production, Equine Science, Nature Conservation, Ecotourism Management, Game Ranch Management, Horticulture, Landscape Technology, and an array of specialized courses.

Addressing the needs of both community and industry, the faculty’s health-related course content is meticulously curated. Each qualification’s subject matter is shaped by an Advisory Committee comprising industry leaders, and it’s delivered by dedicated and adept faculty members. In congruence with our faculty’s ethos, degrees can be pursued in diverse fields like Sports and Physical Rehabilitation Sciences, Environmental Health, Biomedical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Nursing, and Pharmacy. TUT Health Courses 2025/2026

TUT Faculty of Science Courses

  • Adelaide Tambo School of Nursing Science
  • Animal Sciences
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Biotechnology and Food Technology
  • Chemistry
  • Crop Sciences
  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental, Water and Earth Sciences
  • Horticulture
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Nature Conservation
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Physics
  • Sport, Rehabilitation and Dental Sciences

Read Also: TUT Short Courses

TUT General admission requirements for Tshwane University of Technology

  • A pass mark in English at Senior Certificate level (minimum additional language; certain programmes may require first or home language status)
  • Each course has its own specific admission requirements.
  • Prospective students should note that the admission requirements of individual programmes could change from year to year.
  • For some programmes, students will be required to write an admission test, which will determine whether they will be admitted to the programme, or whether it will be recommended to them that they enrol for a relevant foundation course.
  • The following table indicates the levels of performance required for entry to specific levels of study:

TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile ​

Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:

Rating code​ Rating Marks
7 Outstanding achievement 80 – 100
6 Meritorious achievement 70 – 79
5 Degree substantial achievement 60 – 69
4 Diploma adequate achievement 50 – 59
3 Foundation moderate achievement 40 – 49
2 Elementary achievement 30 – 39
1​ Not achieved 0 –​ 29

​​Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?

All learners are required to take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes

​​TUT position:

  • Mathematics is relevant to programmes that require prior knowledge of mathematics; all others may only require Mathematical Literacy. (Details of what each subject entails can be determined by looking at the DoE curriculum statements, available on the DoE website).

How To Apply for the Tshwane University of Technology Online Application 2025

  • To begin the application process at TUT, please click Here.
  • On the top right corner of the screen, click ‘Apply Now.’
  • Choose whether or not you have a student number (If this is your first time applying you will not have a student number yet)
  • Choose whether you are returning to finish an application.
  • Choose whether or not you have a Qualification. Token Specific (this token was only given to specific students to show them a pre-defined list of qualifications)
  • To the consent form, click ‘I Accept.’
  • Stick to the instructions provided throughout the application.

TUT Contact Details

Science Enquiry

Faculty Marketer

TUT Contact Centre

TUT Contact Details

  • Tel: 086 110 2421
  • Email: general@tut.ac.za

Visit TUT’s Official Website for more information.


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